Check out these love and sex images:
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
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Answer by scott b
Maybe not. But I sure hope I never have a friend like YOU...
Answer by hamper?
almost no one has good sex the first time.
Answer by Donnie H
a hot sexy woman that enjoyed every word but no. no holes limit
Answer by smilewaitsyou
From the looks of it, you need more than that, how about mental help.
Answer by Dublin boy
yes all the time
Answer by heyitsme
Please don't do that. When I was in high school my best friend had a few partners and she was always talking about what I was "missing"(me being a virgin).Then some weeks later I would be the one on the phone listening to her freak out b/c her period was late then getting our allowance together to buy a pregnancy test and then she starts the cycle over with the next guy.Having sex is not just sex...just don't do it.